At Dame Hannahs, we would like to take the opportunity to work with local schools to bring awareness to children about the challenges that people with disabilities might face. We would like to work with schools to give students an opportunity to grow and learn through engaging with fundraising to directly support the people that we work with.
Developing a partnership
Dame Hannahs offer the opportunity to support schools in their education and develop for students, creating an awareness for disabilities that is part of student’s educational experience. We know how important it is for schools to develop the curriculum to include these crucial areas for understanding and learning for students and we think a partnership of fundraising and support is the perfect chance to do this.
We can offer you;
A tailored talk
for the students about Dame Hannahs by our trained speaker. This gives an ideal introduction for students to Dame Hannahs as a Charity, where our fundraising money goes and how your school and students support people with disabilities that use our variety of services. Through this engaging talk your students will get to know some of Dame Hannahs residents and day placements stories and the support that they need on a daily basis.
Session ideas and guides
for teaching staff to integrate disability awareness into class time leading up to the fundraising event to allow students to gain develop understanding and knowledge around some of the social and moral topics that may be raised when discussing disabilities.
The fundraising pack
will help your school to create an effective and successful fundraising day. Activities which are specifically designed to raise awareness amongst the students could include wheelchair challenges, blindfolded ball games or lip reading challenges.
The opportunity for schools to meet Ofsted framework for Equality and Diversity and development of disability awareness whilst supporting Dame Hannahs as a local Charity.
By choosing to fundraise for Dame Hannahs at your school, you are just one step towards building a special local partnership; one that is aimed to support the students to grow and learn. Why not take a look at our fundraising pack to find out more about how developing a partnership with Dame Hannahs can benefit your school…
Choose Dame Hannahs as your Charity of the Year
With so many great opportunities to build a partnership between your school and the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust, why not chose to support Dame Hannahs as your charity of the year. This is the perfect opportunity to have a year-long integrated disability awareness to your school lessons and fundraising activities.